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Bite-sized Behavior Blog
A little bit of information about a vast and growing field!
Regulatory Fit Theory
I find it fascinating that human motivation can be triggered by two main goals: the search for pleasure and the avoidance of pain...
Theories of Motivation
The topic of human motivation is highly complex so I will touch upon it only very briefly here. Theories of motivation generally broken...
Theories of Behavior Change
There is evidence that the use of theory to design and implement behavior change interventions improves their effectiveness. (2,12) For...
The Role of Positive Psychology
“Positive psychology is the scientific study of what makes life most worth living” (Peterson, 2008). Founded by Seligman and...
The COM-B model of behaviour is a well-know framework used to identify what needs to change in order for a behaviour change intervention...
The Theoretical Domains Framework
The Theoretical Domains Framework is quite a comprehensive framework that is used to help people identify factors (eg. barriers and...
The MINDSPACE framework was published by the Institute for Government and the UK Cabinet Office in 2010. Widely-used as a framework or...
Developed by the Danish organization iNudgeyou, the BASIC framework is often used to better design and deliver policy outcomes. The...
The Behavioural Insights Team (BIT) was originally set up within the UK government and became the world's first so-called "nudge unit"....
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